You are here: Real-Time IntraVUE Management > IntraVUE Dashboard > Highest Bandwidth Devices

Highest Bandwidth Devices

In this chart you may select the number of devices to display. Similar to the Worst Case Ping Devices, you may also select the method used to select what is 'worst'. The current chocies are:

  • Simple Average
  • Mean Average
  • Maximum/Peak Value
  • Standard Deviation above average.

WBC Network Health Monitor also converts bandwidth back to the number of Bytes transmitted or Received each minute and you can chose to see the data in terms of Bandwidth or Bytes. As speeds have increased in recent years bandwidth values have become smaller and smaller, less than 1% utilization. Viewing in terms of Bytes levels the differences attributed to different connection speeds.

The devices are graphed on the right and their IP Addresses and Names are displayed on the left.

Clicking on a device will highlight the line in the graph, click a line in the graph will highlight the device on the left, in addition to hover text.

Note: The devices that are used in collecting data are defined by the Critical Device Selection